Graduated from Universidad del Cine, Buenos AIres. He works as a director and producer in his company Selva Cine from 2012 to the present. In 2013 he traveled to the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona where he finished his Bachelor's Degree in Film Directing. The feature film Penélope, which he directed, wrote and produced, was selected by the Buenos AIres Metropolitan Fund for Arts and Sciences 2017 to participate in BAFICI 2018. It also had the support of Mecenazgo Cultural in the City of Buenos Aires. It was selected to premiere during April 2019 on the auteur film platform originating in the USA and Canada called Filmatique. Today it can also be seen on the Argentina platform and on Amazon Prime Video. During 2018 he participated in the Film Program at the Torcuato Di Tella University and produced the events "Die Informale" together with Lutz Heinke. Meeting of video artists between Argentina and Germany with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Berlin. During BAFICI 2019, he premiered his short film "La Tormenta". It has already been selected on different video-on-demand platforms in North America. During the month of March 2021, he premiered two short films at the BAFICI festival. One called “Memories of a Shipwreck” based on a story by the painter Carlos Paez Vilaro and another animated one called “Los Perros”. As of today, he is doing the post-production of his new fiction film called "El Fuego no Tiene Sombra" and writing the script for his next fiction feature called "Casandra".


She holds a Degree in Cinematography from the Universidad del Cine (Buenos Aires, Argentina). She is a founding member, editor and curator of hambre | espacio cine experimental, a platform dedicated to the investigation and dissemination of experimental audiovisual. Within the framework of this project, she edited the books La radicalidad de la imagen, Desbordando latitudes latinoamericanas, Sobre algunos modos del cine experimental and, Migrant Thoughts. Cinematic Intersections (2020). She works in the management, production and programming of experimental film and video exhibitions: MEACVAD - Euro-American Film and Digital Video Exhibition (2007-2008), Realisms of Precariousness - Itinerant Exhibition of Latin American Cinema (2010) and BIM - Biennial of Image in Movement (2014-2016), Istanbul Internarionanl Experimental Film Festival (2021-present). Her development in the field of audiovisual curation in festivals, museums and cultural institutions, both in the national and international context, proposes to underline and reflect on the aesthetic singularity of experimental cinema from a transversal approach by crossing with literature, painting, philosophy, politics or science. In the field of cinema, she works as Executive Producer of the production company Selva Cine. She has received three times the support of the Cultural Promotion Regime (Patronage) of the City of Buenos Aires (2014, 2015, 2016) for the development of both editorial and audiovisual projects and the Bicentennial Grant for the Creation of the National Fund for the Arts. (2016). Her texts on cinema, video and installations have been part of publications of the National Museum of Fine Arts (MNBA), the Biennial of the Moving Image, Walden Magazine, among others.


Multifaceted artist, producer and director. He studied film screenplay at the Faculty of Cinema (FUC) and Cievyck, Sociology at UBA and Universidad del Salvador. Argentine musician and composer, he joined various bands, including Los Pulpos, Tierra de Nadie, Delta Venus and Barco, he is currently with his solo project called Piwa La Piwa. His most recent work is “Noche de hotel”, an album in rock opera style. As a musician, he has also written the original music for almost all the films of Selva Cine, being a fundamental imprint for the narration of the stories with a strong authorial proposal. He has worked in many areas in the production company, from script, production, as an actor and original music. This facility to adapt to what Selva Cine requires and needs is essential to carry out the projects, for the creation and realization of the various films. For three years he worked as a clerk at CONARE (National Commission for Refugees), and from this experience the project “Alma de Diamante” was born, his directorial debut. The film tells the story of a Nigerian refugee who arrives in Argentina looking for his brother.


Native of the City of Buenos Aires, he studied Social Communications at the Universidad Austral and Film Directing at the Universidad del Cine FUC. He started as production assistant in the feature film "Vinyl Days" (Patagonik) and from his youth he worked in a large number of commercials (Volkswagen, Chevrolet, L'Oreal, Ma Evans, among others). In 2017 he is part of the film “Penélope” as 1st Assistant Director, directed by Agustín Adba (Bafici Official Competition 2018). With his own company, Cobra Films, he was in charge of the executive production, and was 1st Assistant Director in the short films "Eterno Retorno" and "Sangre Azul" (Sitges 2019), both directed by Finkelstein-Jones. Winner of the Mecenazgo Cultural 2018 Award with the short film “Alma De Diamante”, and 1st Assistant Director in “Y Líbranos del Mal” by Jordán Orlando (Cortometrajes INCAA Award). In 2019 he was Head of Production in the Argentinian-Welsh short film “Secret Tango Stories” by Santiago Pacheco, and Executive Producer in “Los Perros” (Bafici 2021) and in the feature film “El Fuego No Tengo Sombra” by Agustín Adba. Director of the “Diosa del Nilo” music video by Piwa La Piwa with Edda Bustamante, and Executive Producer of “Noche De Hotel” and “Ojos De Rubí”. In 2022, together with Agustín Adba, he directed the documentary short film “Del Under al Mainstream en Un Solo Beat” (post-production) and is developing his first feature short film, “Vendajes”.


Multifaceted artist, producer and director. He studied film screenplay at the Faculty of Cinema (FUC) and Cievyck, Sociology at UBA and Universidad del Salvador. Argentine musician and composer, he joined various bands, including Los Pulpos, Tierra de Nadie, Delta Venus and Barco, he is currently with his solo project called Piwa La Piwa. His most recent work is “Noche de hotel”, an album in rock opera style. As a musician, he has also written the original music for almost all the films of Selva Cine, being a fundamental imprint for the narration of the stories with a strong authorial proposal. He has worked in many areas in the production company, from script, production, as an actor and original music. This facility to adapt to what Selva Cine requires and needs is essential to carry out the projects, for the creation and realization of the various films. For three years he worked as a clerk at CONARE (National Commission for Refugees), and from this experience the project “Alma de Diamante” was born, his directorial debut. The film tells the story of a Nigerian refugee who arrives in Argentina looking for his brother.