Dirección General:
Lutz Henke
Producción General Argentina:
Agustin Adba
Servicio De Producción:
Selva cine
Productores de los Eventos:
Story line: A building-sized projection of a strange
nocturnal creature appears in the heart of the city. An
old television screen plays amidst piles of canned food on
a supermarket shelf. Flickering images and techno music
fill an auto repair shop. Die Informale: Videoramas is an
evolving eight-week program of video interventions in
various public and hidden locations in Buenos Aires,
accompanied by screenings, talks, music, and culinary
events. Featuring pieces by artists from Berlin, Hamburg,
and Buenos Aires, Die Informale celebrates the "quality of
the informal": the free spaces and unexpected pockets of
possibility within the urban landscape that serve as
fertile ground and inspiration for artists of all kinds.
The project seeks to recognize the freedom and raw energy
that emerges from these unsung heroes as the soul of
cities, fostering creativity and public discourse among
residents and visitors alike. Die Informale is a dialogue
between the German and Argentine cities of Berlin,
Hamburg, and Buenos Aires, their urban contexts, and,
above all, their artists and inhabitants.